Click on the meetings app to display the Start and Join Meeting right-hand side information
Click START MEETING to immediately start a meeting or 2. Enter a 9-digit meeting ID
Join the meeting
Click on the MEETING HISTORY icon to view past meetings and their recordings (where applicable)
In-Meeting Controls
Your meeting ID is displayed in the top-left corner of the screen
This is your video stream or avatar picture if you're not streaming video
This menu allows you to adjust a specific participant's audio volume, and if you are the meeting creator, this menu also empowers you to kick out participants. To view the video stream of a specific user, you can simply click their avatar and if they are streaming video, theirs will appear.
The lower-right menu allows the following (left to right)
Toggle grid view. Grid view allows you to see all the participants at once on one screen instead of being automatically focused on the speaker
Share meeting information. If you are the meeting creator, you may also set a meeting password here.
Other options (described below)
The middle menu allows the following (left to right)
Mute/Unmute your microphone
Hangup/Leave the meeting. This is how you terminate your meeting session.
Show/Hide video feed. This is how you enable or disable your computer from sending your video feed.
The lower-left menu allows the following (left to right)
Share your screen. All participants can share their screen at the same time. Once clicked, a box will appear to allow the user to select the display they want to share. This icon appears once the second user has joined the meeting, for you cannot show your screen to yourself, that would be silly. Once your screen is shared you will notice that your video or avatar icon in the top-right corner disappears. Again, this is because you can't show your desktop to yourself. To stop sharing your desktop, click the icon again.
Raise your hand. In some meetings, the creator has everyone join muted. To indicate to the meeting that you wish to speak, click this icon to raise your hand.
Chat. The Boomea icon indicates that you can chat with other participants
Screen Share Controls
From this header, you may select what type of input you want to share.
Your Entire Screen
Select the screen you wish to share
Application Window
Select the application window you wish to share
Chrome Tab
Select the individual Chrome tab you wish to share
Click the Share button to begin sharing your desktop.
More Settings
There are certain options you can set when participants join your meeting. These options are only available to the user that created the meeting.
Everyone Starts Muted
All participants will join the meeting with their microphones muted
Everyone Starts Hidden
All participants will join the meeting with their video streams off
Everyone Follows Me
All participants will join the meeting and immediately be presented your video (or avatar if your video stream is off)
Meeting History
The Meeting History page has filters that are normally hidden. To show the filters, click the 'Show Filters' icon in the header next to the 'X' icon. Filters include
Start date for your search
End date for your search
You may search by the name of a user that attended the meeting, or by the meeting ID
APPLY button
Click this button to apply your filters
Each meeting you've created or attended will show as its own entry in the table.
The date and time of the meeting
Meeting Name
The Meeting ID
Meeting Duration
How long the meeting was
Attendance Duration
How long you were in the meeting
Number of attendees
A recording download link if you recorded the meeting. Please note, only the meeting creator can record the meeting
The Attendees numeral is clickable. When clicked, the Meeting History page will flip over and display the attendees of the meeting.
Meeting Attendees
The Meeting Attendees page will display specific information about all the attendees of the meeting. Basics include first name, last name, and avatar. If the user called in via their phone, it will display their caller ID name and caller ID number. Attendees are ordered by when they entered the meeting.
Duration the user was in the meeting
The permission level of the attendee.
The 'X' icon will flip the page back over to show you the Meeting History page again
Guest Access
Well how does a guest join a meeting? Easy! In a webpage, navigate to, then enter:
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